Tuesday, September 18, 2012


          Ok so I want to start of this entry by re-enforcing my hatred of driving!!! I know, I know, it’s ridiculous because I am DRIVING across the one of the largest countries in the world but to be quite honest, if it were up to me I wouldn’t even own a vehicle! Walking and riding a bike are greener alternatives and better for your health anyway! Future living area requirement #1: Good public transportation system! Why am I making this so clear in my little rant of the day might you ask? Today I am of the belief that driving through Seattle to my friend Mary’s house took a year off the span of my life.  Seriously, I think I almost became the youngest heart attack victim right there in the drivers seat.  On a positive note, I only missed my turn and got lost one time making it to Mary’s apartment with only slight mental trauma.  So dramatic, I know.  Bottom line, I am not a skilled city driver…yet…check back in a month or so… :D
             I was so excited to see Mary who moved to Seattle about 2 years ago.  She not only lived in the sorority with me but also was my faithful college running companion until she graduated.  Mary works for Boeing and lives with her charming beau Craig who is getting his doctorate in Multicultural Education at University of Washington and works as a security supervisor at night.  When I arrived Mary and I went for a walk to calm my nerves then to this awesome Indian restaurant called Saffron, which contrary to first impression due to its lackluster exterior serves the most delicious garlic naan bread and chicken chile masala that I have yet to come across. 
            The next day Mary had an overnight wedding to attend so I took a bus downtown and played tourist for the day! What a treat that was!  I visited Pike Place Market where I spent almost 4 hours just taking it all in.  Let me tell you, it is truly everything you’ve ever heard about and on a Saturday morning the vending stalls are thick with curious people milling around.  The fish throwers sing and the fruit sellers yell.  Samples are available at nearly every turn of everything from ceviche to habanero jelly to lavender body butter.     

           I bought a beautiful bouquet of flowers and 4 of the sweetest peaches probably ever.  However I did make my first guilty pleasure purchase of the trip: a hand bound leather journal.  The guy had a whole bunch and I said I made very similar journals where I was from and we chatted about where the best places to get paper and the different types of leather while I picked out the perfect one.  I settled on a red cowhide book with a black strap and told him I would fill it by the time I got to Georgia.  After I forced myself to leave the market (I could have lingered ALL day) I walked down the warf to pier 52 where I caught the ferry to Bainbridge Island (about a 25 min ferry ride) where I had lunch at a little place called Fork and Spoon.  I had soup and salad, which were so good I wished I had tried on of their specialty sandwiches! 
             After the ferry ride back I went to the top of the Columbia building which (little known fact) is actually taller than the Space Needle and less crowded!  However I only spent enough time on the observatory deck to snap some photos before heading back down to earth because it was scary and gave me vertigo.  

        Sadly, Charlie did not get to come on my downtown adventure because I wasn’t sure he’d be allowed on the buses and such. Turns out he totally could have come and I saw dogs everywhere, but I think it may have been to much for the little guy so it turned out ok.
I had some issues getting home because I waited at the wrong bus stop for about half an hour then it took me awhile to find the right one and by then it was rush hour and the city was hectic.  Luckily Craig came to my rescue and directed me where to go then met me on the street when I got off the bus.  We wandered a section of the Burke-Gilman Trail (big long waterfront trail) with Charlie and had Vietnamese Pho noodles for dinner chasing it with cake pops at Cupcake Royal.  Needless to say, after such a big day I was exhausted and was passed out by 10pm.
The next morning was a lovely lazy Sunday morning filled with football, walks, quesadillas, and coffee.  When Mary got home her, Craig, and I all wine tasted at a nearby vineyard then went out out to dinner at a downtown sushi place called Japonessa.  I discovered I do not have a very refined taste in wine but I do enjoy the very best of sushi! 
Monday morning Mary and I went for a run around Green Lake after which she went off to work and Charlie and I tried to go to the zoo only to discover dogs were not allowed in.  It was for the best I suppose because instead we just loaded up, programed my faithful GPS and were Portland bound!

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