Saturday, July 12, 2014

Sweet Summertime in McCall

            Oh gosh, I am behind again!!! So much has happened in the last month and a half since my return from India that I’m afraid if I try to type it all out it will take me days and be so long no one will read it! So instead of many details, I will give an overview and include more photos than usual! Yey less reading for everyone! Haha So here we go!

            After the longest flight series of my life (nearly 50 hours!!), I arrived safely in McCall after a reunion in St. Louis with Jason and to collect this little guyIn a mad frenzy the next day Mom and I unpacked, repacked, loaded the car, and headed off to California to for my cousins graduation weekend celebration! Congrats Kylie and good luck out there!  Our mother/daughter road trip gave us plenty of time to catch up from our many weeks apart and we even stopped at a friends CO-OP farm on the way where we were served the best eggs and sundried tomatoes I’ve ever had in my life! I was great to see all my California family and even though it was a hectic event-packed weekend, we still found time to chat, go to the farmers market, and do some strolling in the nice weather. Even with the overwhelming jet-lag, much fun was had. Love you all!!
            Upon arriving back to McCall I began working for Mom at the airport which means 4am wake-up for seminar breakfast, schedule organizing, question answering, a bent tail wheel here and there, and lots and lots of squabbling pilots….I quite enjoy it though :) In between work days I managed to participate in the Ponderosa Park Fun Run the second week of June and even cram in a few hikes now and then! At the end of June my dear friend Patrick came to visit for about a week from Florida and we had more fun than I can describe!! We filled our time with biking to North Beach, paddle boarding (where I was HORRIBLY sunburned!! Ugh!), hiking, chatting, canning chutney, drying fruit, cooking, watching Napolean Dynomite, and we even took a trip to Stanley to visit my grandparents! Whew! What fun and I can’t wait to see you again soon Sir. Patrick!
            Shortly after Patrick’s departure, Mom and I celebrated the 4th of July by holding an enormous yard sale! About 2 months ago Mom sold our old house in town, so it was time to clear it out for the new owners (whom I met and are very sweet people!).  I threw in some things I wanted to be rid of, and we incorporated all the furniture from Grams’ house which had been living in a pile in the garage…..Yeah….there it was a ton of stuff…and we sold nearly all of it!! Yahoo!! A special thanks AGAIN to Patrick for helping me move and sort and set-up everything before hand. I really couldn’t have done it without you!
            Then the best day ever came! My birthday!! Haha just kidding. I worked most of the day, but I did have a wonderful evening with my friend Samuel who joined me for a birthday picnic at the lake! We had cheese and crackers and just enjoyed the breeze after a long week of work. I couldn’t have asked for a better time :) On Saturday as is our birthday tradition Mom and I piled the dogs in the kayaks and headed up river. The weather was awesome and all the dogs took turns falling/jumping in. It was quite a sight. Thanks everyone for all the wonderful birthday wishes and making me feel so loved!
            Ok so now, as promised, here are more pictures of all of these events. Enjoy!


Love and miss you all and I can’t wait to see you! Please email me with the latest in your lives so I am not out of the loop!!! And last but not least here are some cute pics of Charlie!! xoxo

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